Waikato Journal of Education


Constructivist learning environment survey
Fijian Indian

How to Cite

Chand, A. V., Sahrma, S., & Taylor, S. (2021). Weaving CLES-FS and talanoa to capture Fijian student’s science learnings: Exploring possibilities. Waikato Journal of Education, 26(1), 195–209. https://doi.org/10.15663/wje.v26i1.782


This study seeks to explain how a modified Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) was implemented together with talanoa to explore Fijian students' perceptions of a constructivist learning environment in the science classroom in New Zealand secondary schools. The modified CLES, called CLES-FS, was developed explicitly for Fijian students in the New Zealand secondary schooling context. The adapted CLES-FS instrument included five components of constructivist learning: relationship and identity, familiar context, talanoa, critical voice and shared control. The inclusion of talanoa within the CLES-survey tool has not been done before to collect data from iTaukei (Indigenous) and Fijian-Indian students. The implication of using talanoa alongside CLES-FS has provided the unfolding of possibilities when weaving together qualitative as well as quantitative data. As an emerging Pacific researcher, the exploration exercise is essential learning that helps make sense of what it means to engage in research, particularly within the post-Covid context.


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