Waikato Journal of Education

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Kelly-Ware, Janette
Kenrick, Pani, Massey University
Keown, Paul
Keown, Paul (New Zealand)
Keown, Paul, Faculty of Education The University of Waikato
Keown, Paul, The University of Waikato
Kertesz, John
Khalil, Atif, Doctoral Student, Division of Education, University of Waikato
Khalil, Atif, The University of Waikato
Khan, MGM, The University of the South Pacific
Khoo, Elaine, Faculty of Education The University of Waikato
King, Lance, Education consultant and University of Waikato Masters student
Kızıltaş, Yusuf, kafkassbey
Koes-Handayanto, ‪Supriyono, Universitas Negeri Malang
Kokoç, Mehmet
Kotzé, Elmarie, Faculty of Education The University of Waikato
Kumar, Bijeta, The University of the South Pacific
Kumar, Daniel
Kupa, Lealofi


Lajium, Denis, The University of Waikato
Lamb, Alistair
Land, Charlotte L., The Pennsylvania State University
Lang, Catherine
Lang, Catherine, The University of Waikato (New Zealand)
Laulaupea'alu, Siuta

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