Waikato Journal of Education

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Johnson, Leigh, Eastern Institute of Technology
Johnston, Michael B., Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington
Jones, Alister, Faculty of Education The University of Waikato
Jones, Alister, School of Education The University of Waikato
Jones, Alister, The University of Waikato
Jones, Kirsty
Jones-Greer, Kelsey, The Pennsylvania State University
Joseph Case, Loretta
Jourdain, Laura


Kalavite, Telesia, University of Otago
Kana, Fred
Kana, Fred, School of Education The University of Waikato
Kana, Pare
Karaka-Clarke, Te Hurinui Renata, University of Canterbury
Karibule, Salome
Kasalak, Gamze
Katsuno, Masaaki, The University of Waikato
Kaufononga, Sangata'ana A.F.
Kaur, Tajinder, University of Waikato
Kēpa, Mere, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga
Kecskemeti, Maria, Faculty of Education The University of Waikato
Keil, Moeata, The University of Auckland - School of Social Sciences (Sociology)
Kele, Andriane, Kukudu Adventist College
Kellow, Jan-Marie
Kelly, Janette, Faculty of Education The University of Waikato

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