Waikato Journal of Education


multiliteracies pedagogy
intermediate-year teachers
navigating (miss)assumptions

How to Cite

Yap, J. R. (2022). Navigating (mis)assumptions in exploring teachers’ knowledge and practice of multiliteracies pedagogy. Waikato Journal of Education, 27(2), 53–57. https://doi.org/10.15663/wje.v27i2.925


My research aims to explore teachers’ literacy experiences and teaching practices in New Zealand intermediate schools through the lens of multiliteracies pedagogy (MLP). However, upon the initial semi-structured interview, I realised my (mis)assumptions and learned that it could be demanding and challenging for teachers to narrate their literacy teaching beliefs and practices. Consequently, I reworked my interview protocols and switched from semi-structured to unstructured interviews. Then I conducted them in conjunction with the collection of observational data. I also extracted the key elements of MLP – diversity, multimodality and a repertoire of pedagogy – and substituted them with terms and practices more familiar to the teachers. Through this experience, I discovered that honesty, flexibility and adaptability are some of the essential characteristics when conducting research as a novice researcher.


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