Waikato Journal of Education
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How to Cite

Dyson, B., & Strachan, K. (2017). Co-operative learning in a high school physical education programm. Waikato Journal of Education, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.15663/wje.v6i1.453


The purpose of this study was to describe and interpret the teacher's and students' experiences of co-operative learning in a high school setting. A multiple-method design included interviews of the physical education teacher and eighth (year 9) and eleventh grade (year 12) students, nonparticipant observation, field notes, and document analysis. Inductive analysis and constant comparison were used to analyse and organise the data throughout the research process (Denzin & Lincoln, 1994). The teacher believed co-operative learning helped her students meet the following goals: developing motor skills, developing game strategies, actively participating, respecting one's peers, accepting responsibility, improving communication skills, and having fun. Students reported that co-operative learning encouraged learning motor skills, participating, communicating, having fun and co-operating.


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