Waikato Journal of Education
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How to Cite

Locke, T. (2017). Standards-based assessment in English: Take 3. Waikato Journal of Education, 5. https://doi.org/10.15663/wje.v5i0.396


Since the 1980s, when standards-based assessment became an officially recommended form of assessment, first achievement-based and then competency-based assessment (in its unit standards form) have been trialled in English and other subjects. While achievement-based assessment (ABA) had considerable support from teachers and has continued to be used in schools, especially those trialling the English Study Design, it was dispensed with as mode of , accountability assessment by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority in 1993. Now, with the shortcomings of unit standards assessment exposed, the question arises as to which model of standards-based assessment will win out as Achievement 2001 kicks off. The choice is still between two models.

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